As your U.S. Representative for the Massachusetts 6th District, I will bring common sense leadership and work hard to address the top issues facing the citizens of our great District, including:
COVID-19 Response:
The COVID-19 pandemic – and the economic fallout from it – threatens the lives and livelihoods of Bay Staters. We must all practice the recommended guidelines, and our federal government must work to ensure that our healthcare, educational, and private sectors are working to innovate and protect its workers, patients, students, and customers while also ensuring that our economy can stay open.
Securing our Economy and Jobs:
Our small businesses thrive when government allows them the room to expand, innovate, and reimagine. By keeping taxes low and regulations at a reasonable level, we can find a balance between genuine economic growth and the protection of our consumers and environment. We must bring jobs and companies back to the district after the long economic shutdown to a district with historically high unemployment.
Securing our Communities and Lives:
We need to provide for the safety of all of our citizens and businesses by standing with our brave law enforcement and first responders, while backing common sense and needed police reforms. We must also strongly support our veterans and men and women in uniform, and we need to secure our nation’s borders.
Securing our Healthcare:
Whether you’re happy with your private insurance plan or currently uninsured, we can all agree that the American healthcare system is failing. While many in Washington push for a total government solution, John Paul Moran will work to expand choices and bring down costs through fostering competition, all while protecting those with pro-existing conditions.
Securing our Liberties and Opportunity:
Protect and defend all of our Constitutional rights and freedoms, and providing for Opportunity for everyone – regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, lifestyle, or political beliefs.
Ending Government Corruption:
The majority of Americans agree that many of our members in Congress are not serving our best interests, but instead their own interests and those of their donors and lobbyists. We must stop “lifetime politicians” and corruption with federal term limits for Congress and make government OF, BY and FOR the people again.
Reducing taxes, fees and regulations:
Federal government takes more and more from us and gives back less and less. Lower taxes, reduce big government waste, stop the proposed high carbon gas tax, repeal costly over-regulation that increases costs, taxes and costs jobs.
Housing & Transportation:
Over-regulation and zoning laws, and a crumbling public transportation system, has driven up housing costs and made commuting an expensive disaster. This must be addressed to provide more affordable housing and efficient transportation.
Improving the curriculum for today’s economy and getting the Federal government out of dictating our children’s education, and ending Common Core. School choice to help close the racial education gap & local parental control. We must address the college debt crisis through common sense loan practices, make colleges more affordable and accountable for graduate outcomes.
The Opioid Crisis, Border Crisis and Sanctuary Cities:
These issues are one and the same: secure our borders, end Sanctuary Cities and stop border sex trafficking of women and children. Stem the opioid crisis from our porous borders, destroying thousands of lives each year.
Constitutional Liberties:
The radical Left is pushing to pack the Supreme Court and end the Senate filibuster in a push for total control of our country, and censor free speech online and in the public square, challenge our religious freedoms, eliminate our 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms, and eliminate the Electoral College. We must strongly support our Constitutional rights as written to preserve our liberties and republic for future generations.
Civil Rights for All:
Equal civil rights for all people must be upheld and protected, from all backgrounds, races, orientations and lifestyles, including our LBGTQ citizens. We must fight the Left’s policies of progressive supremacy and bigotry that have caused unjust racial gaps in education, wealth, poverty, health and crime.
Protecting our Planet:
We have a moral and ethical obligation to our future generations to protect and preserve our environment with science-based solutions that are essential, and to develop new sources of environmentally safe energy. We must not cave to the alarmist, anti-science climate activist agenda, such as the Green New Deal, whose “cure” is far worse than the “disease”.
Taking Care of our Veterans:
Provide the best opportunity and care for our nation’s brave veterans who have sacrificed for America: Better housing, healthcare, jobs. No Veterans should be homeless. Our veterans’ rights before illegal immigrants’ rights in America.